ISBuC (v7) 2012
Skye Events Calendar 2024 - 25
More great reasons to visit Skye and Raasay

Today is the 27th of July

Can't see your event? Then contact ISBuC now... TBC: to be confirmed
TBC previously early August  Piping Competition Around Portree -   01478 612540
TBC previously early August  The Vice Admiral's Cup Portree -   01478 612540
TBC previously early August  Isle of Skye Highland Games The Lump, Portree -   01478 612540
TBC previously mid August  Skye Agricultural Show Portree -
TBC previously mid August  The Quiraing 10K Uig -
TBC previously mid August  Uig Gala Day Uig -
TBC previously mid September  Scottish Independence Referendum Just say YES -
TBC previously mid September  Skye's The Limit Sligachan -
20th  ISBuC's Birthday (25) WebWorldWide -
23rd  Ella's Café's Birthday (13) The Sheiling -
26th  Somhairle MacGill-Eain's Birthday (113) Worldwide -
30th  St Andrew's Day Worldwide -
31st  Bonnie Prince Charlie's Birthday (304) The Not So Young Pretender -
31st to 1st January 2025  Hogmanay Homes, halls and bars everywhere -
January 2025
25th  Burns' Night (266) Your place or mine. -
February 2025
12th  Charles Darwin's Birthday (216) Intelligently selected natural designer. -
April 2025
1st  The Sheiling's Birthday (14) Idrigill, Uig -
May 2025
TBC previously late May  Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival Around Portree -   01478 612055
TBC previously late May  Garden & Craft Fair Armadale Castle grounds -
June 2025
TBC previously mid June  Skye Half Marathon & Fun Run Portree area -   01478 613755
July 2025
TBC previously mid July  Glamaig Hill Race Sligachan -   01478 650204
TBC previously late July  Dunvegan Show (76) Dunvegan School -   01470 592760 - 521300