Unknown Flight Crew
'Hudson, Hampden and Spitfires'
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'Hudson, Hampden and Spitfires'
Know something else about them?
Contact ISBuC today by phone on (01470) 552223
or email info@isbuc.co.uk and tell us.
- Airspeed Oxford L9644 on 28th November 1939
- Lockheed Hudson AM791 on 21st July 1942
- Handley Page Hampden P1174 on 16th August 1942
- Spitfire R7198 on 19th June 1943 (Sherwood Forester)
Serving with No. 8 OTU (Operational Training Unit) at RAF Dyce, the pilot who was killed is named as J.E.Mosley, tag number 1467449. This aircraft held the "Presentation Spitfire" name `SHERWOOD FORESTER`. The Presentation Spitfire scheme appealed directly to the patriotism of commercial companies, wealthy families, communities and any other groups of people who could stump up £5,000 or so to pay for the construction of what was undoubtedly the RAF's sexiest fighter. The true cost was around £12,000.
Courtesy of Geoff Holman. Thanks to Brian Harwood.