ISBuC (v7) 2012
Crew of Liberator 41-29369

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Tarskavaig Area Information

Crew of Liberator 41-29369
The crash of B-17 44-83325 on Beinn Edra in 1945 was mirrored by the event on the 23rd July, 1945, south of Tarskavaig, Sleat. On that day USAF B-24 Liberator, tail number 41-29369, crashed after one of its engines caught fire, leading to a catastrophic break-up of the aircraft. The B-24 was flying the reverse leg to that being flown by the B-17, from RAF Valley, Anglesey to Meeks Field (Keflavik) in Iceland, taking its crew and seven military passenger's home as peace broke out.

The investigation found that the engine eventually fell from the aircraft, striking the tail section at which point all control was lost and the aircraft hit a hillside south of Tarskavaig, killing all on board.

Many aircraft returning home were approaching the end of their useful lives and had only had to make it across the Atlantic. B-24 42-95095 was lost in similar circumstances near Gairloch a month earlier.

B-24 Liberator 41-29369:

Pilot: 1st Lieutenant William Bell
Co-Pilot: 1st Lieutenant Theodore Lundell
Navigator: 1st Lieutenant Albert Harmonay
      Flight Officer Eldon Eads
      Flight Officer Newton Stanley
      Flight Officer Edward Ruszala
      Flight Officer George Baker
      First Officer Edward Grzesiek
      2nd Lieutenant Arthur Vogel
      Flight Officer Wilbur Titus

The above information was first published on

Courtesy of Geoff Holman