ISBuC (v7) 2012
Glendale Area
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'Pipers memorial at Borreraig'
Glendale Area Information

BORRERAIG (Norse: Castle Bay)
From 1400 - 1800 the MacCrimmons, hereditary pipers of the Clan MacLeod, had a famous piping school here.

FASACH (Gaelic: barren land)

FERINQUARRIE (Gaelic: MacQuarrie's land)

GALTRIGILL (Norse: Pig Ravine)

GLASPHEIN (Gaelic: grey penny land)

This popular area of Skye was once under the jurisdiction of a particularly hard hearted factor. Local crofters were prevented from collecting driftwood or from owning dogs. In 1882 a group of like minded Glendale men met in the local church to present united opposition in the face of the clearances. A gunboat was sent to Glendale to dampen the opposition and a number of the men were arrested and imprisoned in the Capital.

In 1904 the Board of Agriculture bought Glendale and started a scheme, the first of its kind in Scotland, which enabled local crofters to buy their land.

LEPHIN (Gaelic: half-penny land)

UIG (Norse: Bay)