ISBuC (v7) 2012
Harlosh Area
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'Sand, stone and sea by Ardmore'
Harlosh Area Information

ARDMORE (Gaelic: Big point)
Down the track from Balmore, the small group of buildings at Ardmore sit high on a narrow rocky finger of land pointing south-west to Harlosh Island in Loch Bracadale. A ruined chapel and the remains of Dùn Néill can be seen nearby.

BALMORE (Gaelic: Big town)

HARLOSH (Norse: Fire rock)

ULLINISH (Norse: Ulli's point)
A chambered cairn can be seen near the road near the top of the hill. A footpath leads south-west to Ullinish point. From here to the east can be seen the lighthouse at Ardtreck Point near Portnalong, very close by to the south is the rocky island of Oronsay and due west the larger island of Wiay.